
Zar-Rynn Update

Zar Sequel

I’ve been yearning to write a sequel to Zar for a while, and yesterday I wrote “The End” to it. I’m still toying with what to name it, but it’s written.

Knowing so many people fell in love with Zar, I felt more pressure writing this book than any other in my career. I really want this book to deliver even more love and adventure than the original.

It’s in the hands of a few early readers right now. Being an author is both wonderful and challenging. I sit in my office writing, thinking everything is going well, and then put it in the hands of early readers to find out what they think. We’ll see.

I’ll keep you informed on early feedback. BTW, this is my longest book to date. My newsletter subscribers will get the first peak at this amazing cover.

Subscribe and get a free novella at

Happy Blessed Peace Day,
4-2-22 Update: Zar-Rynn’s cover is amazing, the book is getting rave reviews from my early readers, and it launches June 26, 2022.
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